Well-being Canada Staff | 13.12.23 | 1 minutes
Well-being Canada Staff | 13.12.23 | 1 minutes
People usually don’t spend all that much time thinking about their mental health – that is, until they find themselves challenged by low mood, anxiety or any of the other issues that can sneak up on us when we’re busy living our lives.
And, yeah, life can be hard. It can be challenging. It can kick you when you’re down and come back for more.
And sometimes it’s hard to get back up. That doesn’t mean we’re weak or we’re not tough or strong enough.
A lot of times, it’s because no one taught us the skills we need to get back up when we’ve been knocked down. We teach kids all about their physical health in school: Brush your teeth. Wash your hands. Don’t eat too much junk. We all know the drill.
But what about our mental health? We need to do a way better job teaching our kids how to care for their mental well-being and the well-being of those around them.
That’s why Well-being Canada has created free resources that empower educators to bring those critical tools into their classrooms.
If you check out the resources section, you’ll find both teaching guides and age-appropriate lesson plans for children from kindergarten to Grade 12. Through those lesson plans, students learn practical skills and techniques to manage their own well-being in areas including coping mechanisms, self-awareness, empathy and compassion, resilience, healthy relationships, staying safe online and understanding stress responses. There are also resources targeted for groups with unique needs and differences, like Indigenous youth.
We’ve developed all our resources in consultation with respected mental health and education experts – they’re based on sound research, science and the best practices in trauma-informed education.
Because it’s high time kids have the skills they need to live happier, more fulfilling lives.
Follow us on Instagram or Facebook for updates on professional learning opportunities that will give you even more confidence in bringing Well-being Canada resources into the classroom.